If you are hoping to find the best commands to teach your dog, then you have come to the right place. Learning the basics when it comes to doggie commands is crucial when you it comes to thing like, managing behaviour either now or, in the future. Many people will employ the help of a specialist, however, there are many commands you can learn and teach your dog yourself; it can be fun for both you and your doggie.
Command #1 – Sit
Learning and teaching your dog how to sit is one of the most basic of commands and a great place to start. The sit command used in dog training in Sydney will help to prepare your dog for the following commands and make them much easier to control when needed. There are 3 steps to this command as follows;
- Place a treat near your dog’s nose
- Moving your hand upwards you should see his/her head follow the treat as their back side lowers towards the ground.
- Once their backside is firmly on the ground, share the treat and affection.
Command #2 – Come
In addition to, ‘sit’, the, ‘come’ command is really useful for those moments that you need your dog to come back to you. Mainly for safety reasons, of course, perhaps you have dropped the lead or your dog decides to make a bolt for something shiny! Again, 3 steps.
- Put the collar and lead on your dog
- Very important to go down to your dogs’ level, gently pulling on the lead and saying, “come.”
- When your dog reaches you, reward them with a treat and affection.
Command #3 – Stay
In some ways the ‘stay’ command is similar to the ‘sit’ command in a sense that it will make your dog easier to control. Again, mainly for safety reasons the, ‘stay’ command can come in really handy at the worst of times. There are 4 steps to this command as follows;
- Get your dog to sit
- With an open palm held out in front of you, say the command, “stay.”
- As you step backwards see if your dog stays, or not. If they do then reward them.
- Slowly increase the number of steps you take before rewarding with a treat.
Seems easy, doesn’t it?
In theory all of these commands might seem really easy, but they will require a level of patience and repetitiveness for them to work successfully. Always remember, the key to teaching and learning is repetitiveness, repeat, repeat and repeat again.